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Sutures 4-0 Polyester AB-4355

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SKU: AB-4355


Mani brand 4-0, green or white braided, polyester sutures with double arms. Trape spatula and dia spatula needles ranging in length, curve, and diameter. Mani sutures are ideal for micro-suturing on the cornea and sclera during eye surgery.

Product Specs

Mani brand 4-0, green or white braided, polyester sutures with double arms. Trape spatula and dia spatula needles ranging in length, curve, and diameter. Mani sutures are ideal for micro-suturing on the cornea and sclera during eye surgery. Ultimate sharpness is obtained through the "cross-lapped edge" technique giving each suture a fine and sharp tip ensuring minimally invasive wound closure. Mani hard fiber stainless steel is used to make strong and break-resistant needles. Sold 12 per box.