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Soft I/A Straight - 0.3mm port

Soft I/A is MST's silicone ported aspirator for cortical cleanup, capsule scrubbing, and a lot more.
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SKU: S-IA-02020-6

Soft I/A Straight - 0.3mm port

Soft I/A is MST's silicone ported aspirator for cortical cleanup, capsule scrubbing, and a lot more. \n \n  \n \n 


Soft I/A is MST's silicone ported aspirator for cortical cleanup, capsule scrubbing, and a lot more.  Available in straight, curved and 45 degree versions, the versatile Soft I/A can be utilized either in Coaxial I/A or Bimanual I/A.  Soft I/A's design of a Titanium substructure under a silicone sheath, provides strong scrubbing force and the ability for you to push pieces into its port. We originally conceptualized Soft I/A to increase peace of mind during I/A by reducing the chance of capsule breaks, and since then, Soft I/A customers have found several new and important uses that may benefit you.  These include:
  •      Dialing in IOL's.
  •      Comfortably removing viscoelastic from under IOL's.
  •      "Balling up" cortex from capsule fornices for facilitated one step removal.
  •      Removing debris from IOL surfaces without risk of IOL damage.
Soft I/A tips are best paired with the superior irrigation flow of the Maestro handpiece but, are also compatible with Alcon, AMO, and Bausch & Lomb handpieces as well.

Product Specs

  • Recommended incision size: All sizes
  • Aspiration Port: 0.3mm
  • Compatible with: All Phaco Platforms
  • Use: 10x Reusable
  • Shipped Quantity: Box of 6