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Intertip Titanium Handle

Our popular Coaxial I/A system, InterTip, has been one of the leading Coaxial I/A system for almost 20 years.
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SKU: TI-98100

Intertip Titanium Handle

Our popular Coaxial I/A system, InterTip, has been one of the leading Coaxial I/A system for almost 20 years.


Our popular Coaxial I/A system, InterTip, has been one of the leading Coaxial I/A system for almost 20 years. InterTip Stainless I/A features many different tip styles to match your surgical preferences as well as robust O-Rings which are designed to be more durable than the ones that come with other I/A systems.  InterTip Titanium features a titanium shell and push on on tips.

Product Specs

  • Use: Reusable
  • Shipped Quantity: Individually